Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Affection: It’s the cuddling, whispering secrets afterwards that boost contentedness, study finds
Couples who regularly have sex tend to be happier, and now a new study suggests one reason why: affection.
The study of couples in committed relationships found what many others had shown before: Couples who had sex more often were typically happier and more content with their lives.
However, much of that link seemed to be explained not by sex itself, but by couples’ general levels of affection — whether that meant cuddling or whispering sweet-nothings to each other.
It all suggests that the “relational aspects of sexuality — and more specifically, the sharing of affection — are central in understanding why sex does good,” said lead researcher Anik Debrot.
That might be good news for people who worry about things like sexual performance or having a “perfect body,” according to Debrot.
Instead, they could “remember that sex is a great way to share an intimate and affectionate moment with your partner,” said Debrot, a research fellow at the University of Lausanne’s Institute of Psychology, in Switzerland.
She was based at the University of Toronto at the time of the study.
The findings are based on four studies of couples in the United States and Switzerland. In each, couples were asked how often they had sex, and how often they shared affectionate “moments” or “touches.” Two studies asked participants about their typical habits, while the other two tracked them over a specific time period.
Overall, the studies found, couples who were more sexually active tended to report greater satisfaction with life. They also had more “positive emotions” — both in general, and the morning after having sex.
Trending: Safe Sex: What Teens Want to Hear from Parent
But in each study, affection seemed to largely account for that sex-happiness link.
So does that mean sex, by encouraging affection, helps breed happiness? Or do happy people have sex more often?
One of the studies suggests it may be the former: Debrot’s team found that sex predicted positive emotions the next day — whereas good feelings did not boost couples’ likelihood of having sex over the next 24 hours.
“This is a great study,” said Robin Milhausen. She’s an associate professor of family relations and human sexuality at the University of Guelph, in Ontario, Canada.
Milhausen, who wasn’t involved in the research, said it “sheds light on how sex and life satisfaction are intertwined.”
So while past studies have linked the frequency of sex to couples’ contentment, it’s actually more complicated than that, according to Milhausen.
“Sex can’t be divorced from context,” she said. “It’s not a magic bullet. Affection, including post-sex affection, is important.”
Milhausen also pointed to a particularly interesting finding: Affection mattered to both women and men — in contrast to the stereotype that men can do without the cuddling and sweet words.
Debrot agreed. “This counters the idea that ‘lovey-dovey’ sex would mostly be appreciated by women,” she said.
Still, the research has limitations. For one, couples who volunteer for a relationship study may not be representative of couples in general, Milhausen pointed out.
And, she stressed, it’s never possible to give couples a one-size-fits-all prescription for happiness. So neither more-frequent sex nor extra cuddling and hand-holding are magic bullets.
People do vary widely in how they like to express affection, Milhausen noted. “For some people, it’s hugging. For others, it’s gifts of service, like putting your snow tires on for you,” she said.
Debrot pointed out that no one is saying that life satisfaction depends on affection from a romantic partner. Many studies show that a range of factors contribute to any one person’s well-being.
Nor does this study imply that couples get no emotional benefit from sex itself. For example, Debrot said, the physiological effects of sex — including the hormones it releases — may also boost a couple’s positive feelings.
The study was published in the March issue of the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
SOURCES: Anik Debrot, Ph.D., research and teaching fellow, Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Robin Milhausen, Ph.D., associate professor, family relations and human sexuality, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada; March 2017, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Cleaner Lagos: LASG Set To Recruit 20,000 Workers
Cleaner Lagos: LASG Set To Recruit 20,000 Workers
LASG is set to employ 20,000 youth through Min of Environment. Apply online via deadline is Friday. Pls, inform as many as possible.N.B: Salaries more than Minimum wage
7 Important Reasons Why Nigerian Workers Should Consider Online Business
7 Important Reasons Why Nigerian Workers Should Consider Online Business
If there is any part of the society that bears the scourge of penury and bad economy, then it has to be the masses. The elites know how to maneuver their way through any unfavorable situation. The 21st century has provided every one with an opportunity to earn money online irrespective of the social divide.Here are seven reasons why Nigerian workers should give working online a thought.
1. Do not put all your eggs in one basket:
Online business gives you the privilege to diversify your means of earning. It reduces your dependency on your job. People whose physical jobs are their only option tend to get emotional if something goes wrong. If there is delay in salary, they begin to worry. If there is mass retrenchment, they start developing high blood pressure. Why? Because all they have and all they do is vested in their job alone.
2. Opportunity to do what you enjoy:
The online world is a place full of opportunity. You can literally do online anything you can do in the real world and get massive appreciation and patronage from your audience. Is it writing or singing or comedy? Whatever you love to do already has an audience. Your audience are also your market because they are the ones you sell your ideas, products and services to. And unlike the physical world, there is no limit to the audience you can have at a time because there is no ‘distance barrier’.
3. Freedom to express creativity:
We all know that the corporate world can be frustrating when it comes to already laid out regulations. Sometimes, ‘what can be done differently’ is often sacrificed for ‘how it has always been done’. The rules can choke your creativity and prevent you from trying out new methods that can possibly produce better results. It forces you to operate within the confines of a determined circle. But when you make use of the internet, there are no restricting rules. You have the liberty to take any approach to what you want to do, provided it is within the confines of the law.
4. To shore up your earnings:
There is a law that says, “Expenses will always rise to meet income”. What this means is that, no matter how much you make, there will always be needs to gulp down the income. Let’s say you earn 100k a month. It is only a matter of time before that amount becomes insufficient to meet your needs. This is where online business can be of help because it will generate alternative income for you.
5.Expand opportunities in the real world:
The internet provides its users with the opportunity to interact with one another and by so doing, make new friends and establish contacts. This is one of the most awesome advantage of the internet. You can get to meet amazing people of like minds from the comfort of your abode. These people in turn can provide opportunities for you in the real world that you may never have been able to get all by yourself. The benefits of the networking are unlimited.
6. Keeps you buoyant despite economic recession:
When a country suffers from economic crisis, there is the problem of rising inflation. Cost of goods and services continue to skyrocket and there is no corresponding increase in the monthly pay. Much worse, there may be a certain reduction in percentage of salaries because of the hardship. An online business can shield you to a reasonable extent from the throes of recession by giving you extra cash for your efforts.
7. Online business can become the anchor of your income:
Online business has the potentials to pay you more than you can earn at your job. If you develop your business to a level of uniqueness in standard, it will yield profit to you beyond your dreams. This is aside the perks that comes with working online which I have discussed in my previous articles. Automating the business can make it earn you money without your attention, and even for life.
In the light of the above, one may ask if it is compulsory to go into online business. The obvious answer is “no”. But if any individual is serious about making real money and achieving true financial independence, then an online business is absolutely necessary.
7 Advantages Of Being Self-employed
7 Advantages Of Being Self-employed
It can be a really tough dilemma, having to choose between seeking employment and starting something of your own. Thoughts of the rigor of starting a business and having to shoulder the tireless work of building the business often scares people from making it a choice. It is easier and more convenient to submit resumes and appear at interviews. But this option too has its deterrents.The alarming rate of unemployment in the country makes every job opening a fierce competition between applicants. Applicants that sometimes turn out to be overqualified for the job, but the seething frustration of having failed numerous times to secure a job from previous job seeking ventures makes them settle for the available job. At that point they would have thought half bread is better than none.
It is often discovered while on such faute de mieux job that there is a missing element. Some employees in that situation complain of lack of passion for the job, some grow to feel underpaid, while some others tend to struggle with the demands of the job. Employees don’t usually find any of these situations comfortable. It leads them to look for a way out and the way out in many cases, brings them back to initial dilemma, getting another job or starting up a business.
Finding oneself in a reoccurring space of job related complications can really be frustrating, asides from the pity figure one appears to be to friends and acquaintances; it drains happiness out of such individual. This is perhaps the reason starting a business is a better option, if that dream job is not available. Although entrepreneurship is usually tough at the nascent stage of the business, it pays off eventually. Research has shown that 36% of people that start businesses earn more than they would be have earned as an employee. Some other benefits of being self-employed are:
You are the boss
One of the reasons people make the entrepreneurship move is to get freedom from a difficult work condition. Starting up a job of your own spares you of the complications of working with a difficult boss. When you’re self-employed, you no longer have a “higher-up” governing your every move. You control how your work is done, which is a contributing factor to general job satisfaction.
You choose your clients or customers
As an employee, you are bound to attend to anybody that shows up for business at your employer’s place, whether or not you like the person or the nature of the deal. But being an employer affords you the opportunity to choose your clients and determine the type of business relationship shared with other companies. You choose who you provide services to.
You are more valued
As a freelancer, you’re allowed a wider space to work i.e. you can get a job done with more freedom than working as a staff-in employee. This also contributes to overall job satisfaction.
Another satisfying benefit of being a freelancer is that you get credit for your own work. Also as you make reach-out efforts, you’ve even started to earn some name recognition, not just among your long-time clients, but from complete strangers as well.
You set your own schedule
Whether you have preference for a fixed schedule, or you prefer to mix it up with flexible long hours; as your own boss, you get to choose the option of work scheduling you deem suitable for work.
You choose the work condition
Being the owner of the job affords you the option to choose the work condition, i.e. determining the condition of work area, the staff character, the availability of equipment and instruments. Also it could also be found beneficial to determine how early the needed instruments are made available.
It allows you diversify
Being self-employed gives you the allowance to attempt new business adoptions. For instance, diversification in business which is related to business growth, is much easier exercised at the intended time, when you own the business and not that the power of decision making is shared or not in possession.
Also being self-employed does less to restrict the extent of your business diversification. You, as an employer, are allowed a relatively free-hand in business decision making.
You earn more money
According to the statistics on bidsketch, on the average freelancers earn 45% more than those who are traditionally employed.
Also, as an employer you can make certain deductions from business expenses that employees cannot, thereby keeping more of what is earned.
Ten Ways To Reduce Cost While Building A New Home
Ten Ways To Reduce Cost While Building A New Home
In this trying economic times, those with the need and desire to own their own homes might have to revert to low cost home building techniques, a low cost home does not necessary mean a low quality home, rather it means a home that is structurally and functionally sound but may lack the fancy bells and whistles needed to compete in the” I pass my neighbors” category. The following ten ideas if dutifully followed would enable the average Nigerian teacher parents own a decent two or three bedroom home.(1) Reduce the area of the home: there’s always the tendency to overbuild especially when building a home for the first time with the emotional attachment involved, but to keep costs down, there’s need for a clear headed analyses in order for the family to get the home they need and can afford rather than burdening themselves with the home they desire and can’t afford, thus they need to ask themselves basic questions like do we really need a third/guest bedroom, the dining room(experience world over shows that people hardly uses their dining room),ante room, visitors toilet, prayer room, exercise room, home office, en suite toilets etc? It’s ironic that the average size of Nigerian homes have been increasing due to these newly fangled additions while the average size of Nigerian families is falling due to lower birth rates. The simple truth is that a family of four with children of same sex can easily live comfortable in a two bedroom flat consisting of two bathrooms and a kitchen and measuring roughly 30’x30’.
(2) Well designed multi use spaces: a well designed bedroom with a good furniture plan can be a bedroom, study room and home office all rolled together into one, a dining room/area can also serve as a study room, home office and game room if well planned. What makes a home functional is the thought exercised in its design rather than its square footage or cost of construction.
(3)Avoid swampy soils: nothing pushes up the cost of construction more than building on swampy/waterlogged soils that need expensive foundations like raft and bored piles foundations.try as much as possible to buy land with dry and strong soils .
(4)Avoid site preparation costs: avoid lands that would need filling, grading and rock blasting. Such site preparation costs would push up the total costs of your new home.
(5)Simple roof design: aim for simple roofing styles with low pitch and less corners. The cheapest home to roof is a rectangular shaped structure without gables. High roofs look more impressive but cost a fortune. Aim for something simple.
(6) Less windows and glass: Glass looks good but it’s costly. Carefully place your windows to eliminate waste.aim for standard sized windows and eliminate any fancy glass.
(7)Fewer bathrooms: one of the latest fads of modern building designs is the advent of en suite bathrooms which means that each bedroom comes with its own bathroom. The most costly rooms to build in your home is the bathroom so reducing their numbers to the absolutely necessary minimum is a vital step to reducing the total cost of constructing a new home.
(9) Go for a minimalist finishing and ornamentation: fancy roofing sheets, concrete fascia (so called parapet), window hoods, arches, tiled walls, decorated pillars, moldings, elaborate pop designs etc are all nice but not necessary features that would quickly push up the cost of constructing a new home.
(10) Hire professionals: it’s often a false economics to design and build your own home because there are always places where you commit costly mistakes that would cost even more to remedy. Likewise, the bricklayer is not an architect neither is he an engineer. Use the right professionals for the job to avoid costly mistakes.
Difference Between Linux Hosting And Window Hosting
Difference Between Linux Hosting And Window Hosting
Linux and Windows are two different types of operating systems. Linux is the most popular operating system for web servers. Since Linux-based hosting is more popular, it has more of the features web designers expect. So unless you have websites which need specific Windows applications, Linux is the preferred choice.Operating System
Linux OS is open source while Window OS is proprietary due to licensing.
Linux servers are inexpensive compared to Window's.
Windows servers and Linux servers use different control panels. Linux servers uses Cpanel for all Linux-based hosting plans, such as Linux Shared, Reseller, VPS and Linux Dedicated Servers.It also uses WHM (Windows Host Manager) on Linux Reseller, VPS and Dedicated Servers. Windows servers on the other hand run on plesk.
Development tools
Linux servers offer CGI, perl and PHP while Window servers offer ASP, .NET and PHP.
MySQL database runs on Linux servers while MySQL and MSSQL runs on windows server.
With Linux, files and directory names are case sensitive for example, on a Linux server, home.html and Home.html are different names while they are case insensitive with windows, for example, on a Windows server, home.html, Home.html and HOME.HTML are all the same name.
FTP Access
Linux Os have FTP Access along with Telnet and SSH access while Windows Os has FTP Access.
In Linux servers, users can make alterations in the code while in window's, users don't have access to the code to make alterations.
Linux servers are stable, robust and have high uptime while windows are less reliable and robust.
99 Latest Jobs - Jhpiego Nigeria Fresh Job Recruitment (7 Positions)
- Jhpiego Nigeria Fresh Job Recruitment (7 Positions)
- Deloitte Nigeria Fresh Graduate Customer Service Representatives Recruitment
- kiakiagas Limited Fresh Graduate & Mid-level Internship Program 2017
- International Medical Corps (IMC) Fresh Graduate & Exp. Job Recruitment (18 Positions) - UPDATED
- Leventis Motors Limited Workshop Sales Officers Recruitment
- Christian Aid (CA) Fresh Job Recruitment (4 Positions)
- Chattel Realty and Investment Limited Fresh Job Recruitment (4 Positions)
- Automobile and Steel Manufacturing Plant Fresh Job Vacancies (7 Positions)
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Fresh Job Recruitment (6 Positions)
- Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) Fresh Job Recruitment (4 Positions)
- Kings Elite Global Resources Limited Fresh Job Recruitment (7 Positions) - UPDATED
- Rivers State Civil Service Commission Fresh Job Recruitment
- Hobark International Limited (HIL) Fresh Job Recruitment (4 Positions) - UPDATED
- U.S. Embassy Recruitment for Cultural Affairs Assistants
- Equal Access (EA) Fresh Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
- Grand Products Company Limited Fresh Job Vacancies (4 Positions)
- Sales Executives at a Reputable Document Solutions Company - 8 Positions
- Rivers State Civil Service Commission Medical Officers Recruitment
- Rivers State Civil Service Commission Recruitment for Consultants
- Reputable Radio Station Fresh Job Vacancies (3 Positions)
- Key Account Manager, EasyBuy at Greenlight Planet Nigeria
- Award Management Officers at Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
- Deputy Chief of Party at Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
- Senior Logistics Coordinators at Christian Aid (CA)
- Chief of Party - Nigeria Local Government Project at Abt Associates
- Sales Executives at Chattel Realty and Investment Limited
- WASH Officer at the International Medical Corps (IMC)
- Graduate Account Officers at Global Talent Network (GTN)
- WASH Assistants at the International Medical Corps (IMC) - 2 Positions
- Executive Interns at Discovery Cycle Professionals
- Farmers Satisfaction Representatives at Mario Consulting Limited
- Logistics/ Commodity Assistants at the International Medical Corps (IMC)
- Nutrition Manager at the International Medical Corps (IMC)
- Finance Officers at the International Medical Corps (IMC)
- Monitoring and Evaluation Officers at the International Medical Corps (IMC)
- IYCF Supervisors at the International Medical Corps (IMC) - 4 Positions
- Campaign Manager at Oxfam Nigeria
- Program Coordinators at Secours Islamique France (SIF)
- Graduate CMAM Assistant at the International Medical Corps (IMC)
- Mechanical Engineers at Safety Consultants & Solutions Provider Limited
- Store Keeper II at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
- Chief Operating Officer at a Top-tier Full-service Law Firm - KPMG Nigeria
- Administrative Assistants at Hamilton Lloyd and Associates
- Entry - Level Software Developer at Kings Elite Global Resources Limited
- Project Manager-STEER at Save the Children Nigeria
- Store Keeper I at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) - 2 Positions
- Lead Enterprise Developer at TriVersa Limited
- IT Support Officers at the Place
- Community Operators at the Aniwura Int`l Projects Limited - ICT Beyond Borders
- AIICO Insurance Plc Recruitment for Risk Advisors
- Experienced Business Unit Finance Manager at a Reputable Document Solutions Company
- System Support Accountant at the Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH)
- Facility/Manpower Sales/BD Executives at a Reputable Oil & Gas Company
- Business Development Officers at an Automobile and Steel Manufacturing Plant -Ogun & Abuja
- Facilities Officers at an Automobile and Steel Manufacturing Plant
- HR & Admin Managers at an Indigenous Oil & Gas Engineering Servicing Company - Karis Consulting
- Chief Electrical Engineers at an Automobile and Steel Manufacturing Plant
- Business Analysts at a Leading Technology and Information Company
- Business Managers / Product Managers at a Leading Technology and Information Company
- Project Managers at a Leading Technology and Information Company
- Pharmacist at a Reputable Company - Enugu, Benin, Rivers, Abuja, Kano & Kaduna
- Management Accountants at a Leading Technology and Information Company
- Software Developers at a Leading Technology and Information Company
- Medical Representative at a Reputable Company - 14 Positions
- Sales Representatives and Telemarketers at a Top Travel and Tourism Company
- Business Development Officers at GreenPower Nigeria
- Feedmill Operators at Zenith Professional Training (ZPT)
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- Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) UTME Application 2017/2018
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- Chartered Accountants at Divine Banner Limited
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- Program Assistants at Jhpiego Nigeria
- Finance Officers at Jhpiego Nigeria
- Project Officers at Jhpiego Nigeria
- Data Analysts at Jhpiego Nigeria
- Front Desk / Admin Officers at an Automotive Company - Haulage and Logistics Nigeria
- Monitoring and Evaluation Specialists at Jhpiego Nigeria
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- Monitoring & Evaluation Officer I at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) - 2 Positions
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- Customers Call Agent at S&S Hotels and Suites
- Drivers at Christian Aid (CA)
- Security Advisors at Christian Aid (CA) - Abuja & Maiduguri
- Ex-Post Evaluation RAC Project Consultant at the International Potato Center (CIP)
- Finance Administrative Director at the International Medical Corps
- Consultants, Nutritionist at the International Medical Corps (IMC)
- Consultants, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator at the International Medical Corps (IMC)
- Entry-Level Accountants at Nation Delivery Nigeria Limited
- Programme Officer at Street Child Nigeria
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:08 AM PDT
Nigeria, an Affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, is recruiting
suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions below:
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 04:08 AM PDT
Nigeria, is recruiting to fill the position of: Customer Service
Representative. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested
candidates should possess minimum of HND/B.Sc Degree from any recognized
Polytechnic or University.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 12:51 AM PDT
Limited, invite applications from fresh graduates and students for its
2017 Industrial Training and Internship Program. This Industrial
Training Program is designed to Put theories and concepts into practice,
build work related skills required for the business environment through
constructive feedback and supervision of specialised field area to
build and develop one`s career.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 01:34 AM PDT
International Medical Corps (IMC), is recruiting suitably qualified
candidates, to fill the following graduate and experienced positions
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 04:09 AM PDT
Motors Limited, a subsidiary of A.G Leventis (Nigeria) Plc, is
recruiting to fill the position of: Workshop Sales Officer. The position
is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess
OND/HND/B.Sc in Mechanical or related Engineering field, with at least 5
years work experience
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:52 AM PDT
Christian Aid (CA), is recruiting suitably qualified candidates, to fill the following positions below:
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:26 AM PDT
Chattel Realty and Investment Limited, is recruiting suitably qualified candidates, to fill the following positions below:
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 06:57 AM PDT
An Automobile and Steel Manufacturing Plant, is recruiting to fill the following vacant positions below:
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:44 AM PDT
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), is currently
recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:23 AM PDT
for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH), a leading Nigerian Non -
Governmental Organizations, is recruiting to fill the following
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:28 AM PDT
Kings Elite Global Resources Limited, is recruiting suitably qualified candidates, to fill the following positions below:
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:44 AM PDT
State Government, under the Rivers State Civil Service Commission,
invite applications from suitably qualified Medical Practitioners for
the following positions below:
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:07 AM PDT
Hobark International Limited (HIL), is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions below:
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:33 AM PDT
U.S. Embassy in Abuja, is seeking to employ suitable and qualified
candidates for the position of: Cultural Affairs Assistant. Interested
candidates should possess a University Degree in Liberal Arts or a
related field, with a minimum of 4 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:59 AM PDT
Access (EA), Non-Governmental Organization, is currently recruiting
qualified candidates to fill the following positions below:
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 08:01 AM PDT
Grand Products Company Limited, is recruiting suitably qualified candidates, to fill the following positions below:
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 07:37 AM PDT
Document Solutions company in Nigeria, is recruiting to fill the
position of: Sales Executive. The position is located in Abuja, Akwa
Ibom, Cross Rivers, Delta, Edo, Lagos and Rivers States. Interested
candidates should possess HND/B.Sc in Social Sciences.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 02:00 AM PDT
State Government, under the Rivers State Civil Service Commission,
invite applications from suitably qualified Medical Practitioners for
the position of: Medical Officer. Interested candidates should possess a
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from recognized
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 01:59 AM PDT
State Government, under the Rivers State Civil Service Commission,
invite applications from suitably qualified Medical Practitioners for
the position of: Consultant. Interested candidates should possess a
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from recognized
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 06:51 AM PDT
reputable Radio Station with Head office in Lagos State, is recruiting
suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions below:
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 12:08 PM PDT
Planet, a US-based global leader, is recruiting to fill the position
of: Key Account Manager, (EasyBuy). The position is located in Lagos
state. Interested candidates should possess a Post-Graduate Degree in
Sales/Business Management, with at least 6 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:48 AM PDT
Relief Services (CRS), is recruiting to fill the position of: Award
Management Officer. The position is located in Borno State. Interested
candidates should possess a University Degree in Accounting, with at
least 7 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:40 AM PDT
Relief Services (CRS), is recruiting to fill the position of: Deputy
Chief of Party. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates
should possess an Advanced Degree in Medicine and/or Master`s Degree in
Public Health, Pharmaceutical, and Procurement and Supply Chain
Management, with at least 10 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:38 AM PDT
Aid (CA), is recruiting to fill the position of: Senior Logistics
Coordinator. The position is located in Borno State. Interested
candidates should possess a Degree level or its equivalent.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:30 AM PDT
Associates, is recruiting to fill the position of: Chief of Party -
Nigeria Local Government Project. Interested candidates should possess a
Master`s degree in Public Administration or Policy, Public Financial
Management, Law, Social Sciences, or other relevant field, with a
minimum of 10 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:18 AM PDT
Realty and Investment Limited, is recruiting to fill the position of:
Sales Executive. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested
candidates should possess relevant qualifications, with at least 3 years
work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:14 AM PDT
International Medical Corps (IMC), is recruiting to fill the position
of: WASH Officer. The position is located in Borno State. Interested
candidates should possess B.Eng. in Civil Engineering, Geology,
Hydrology & Engineering or any relevant technical qualification,
with at least 2 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:09 AM PDT
Talent Network (GTN), is recruiting to fill the position of: Account
Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates
should possess B.Sc Degree in any field, with at least 1 year work
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:09 AM PDT
International Medical Corps (IMC), is recruiting to fill the position
of: WASH Assistant. The position is located in Borno State. Interested
candidates should possess HND or B.Sc in the Social Sciences, with at
least 1 year work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:00 AM PDT
Cycle Professionals, is recruiting to fill the position of: Executive
Intern. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should
possess a Bachelor`s/Master`s Degree in Accounting or any other relevant
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:46 AM PDT
Consulting Limited, is recruiting to fill the position of: Farmers
Satisfaction Representative. The position is required Nationwide.
Interested candidates should possess a Degree or equivalent in
Agriculture, Animal Science or related field, with at least 1 year work
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:32 AM PDT
International Medical Corps (IMC), is recruiting to fill the position
of: Logistics/ Commodity Assistant. The position is located in Borno
State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelors Degree in Supply
Chain Management, Business Management, Economics or other related
discipline, with at least 2 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:25 AM PDT
International Medical Corps (IMC), is recruiting to fill the position
of: Nutrition Manager. The position is located in Borno and Sokoto
States. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc/M.Sc/Ph.D in Public
Health, Nutrition and Dietetic, Community extension work or any related
field, with at least 5 years work experience
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:23 AM PDT
International Medical Corps (IMC), is recruiting to fill the position
of: Finance Officer. The position is located in Borno State. Interested
candidates should possess a Degree in Accounting, Banking and Finance or
any related course, with at least 2 years work experience
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:17 AM PDT
International Medical Corps (IMC), is recruiting to fill the position
of: Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. The position is located in Sokoto
State. Interested candidates should possess Bachelors and or Masters in
Statistics, Economics, Public Health, Epidemiology, Health Systems,
with at least 2 years work experience
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:15 AM PDT
International Medical Corps (IMC), is recruiting to fill the position
of: IYCF Supervisor. The position is located in Borno State. Interested
candidates should possess a Degree in Nutrition, Food Science and other
related Natural Sciences, with at least 1 year work experience
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:10 AM PDT
Nigeria, is recruiting to fill the position of: Campaign Manager. The
position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a
Bachelor`s Degree in Political Science, International Affairs, Public
Policy, Government.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:02 AM PDT
Islamique France (SIF), is recruiting to fill the position of: Program
Coordinator. The position is located in Borno State. Interested
candidates should possess relevant qualifications, with at least one
year work experience
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:00 AM PDT
International Medical Corps (IMC), is recruiting to fill the position
of: CMAM Assistant. The position is located in Borno State. Interested
candidates should possess a Degree in Nursing in a recognized Nurse
training institute, with at least 1 year work experience
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:32 AM PDT
Consultants & Solutions Provider Limited, is recruiting to fill the
position of: Mechanical Engineer. The position is located in Lagos
State. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc./HND in Mechanical
Engineering, with a minimum of 2 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:32 AM PDT
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), is recruiting
to fill the position of: Store Keeper II. The position is located in Oyo
State. Interested candidates should possess O`Level, School Leaving
Certificate or CIPS I, with at least 3 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:31 AM PDT
Nigeria, is recruiting on behalf of its client, a top-tier full-service
Law firm, to fill the position of: Chief Operating Officer. The
position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess
a good first degree in Business Administration, Law or any other
relevant discipline, with at least 14 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:27 AM PDT
Lloyd and Associates - Our client, a Global Leader in the adhesive
market, is recruiting to fill the position of: Administrative Assistant.
The position is located in Oyo State. Interested candidates should
possess Degree in Business Administration or any other related
course,with at least 4 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:26 AM PDT
Elite Global Resources Limited, is recruiting to fill the position of:
Software Developer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested
candidates should possess OND, HND, BA/B.Sc. qualification.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:25 AM PDT
the Children Nigeria, is recruiting to fill the position of: Project
Manager-STEER. The position is located in Sokoto State. Interested
candidates should possess Master`s Degree in Social Science, Education,
International relations, International Development or related field,
with at least 5 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:20 AM PDT
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), is recruiting
to fill the position of: Store Keeper I. The position is located in Oyo
State. Interested candidates should possess O`Level, School Leaving
Certificate or CIPS I, with at least 1 year work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:14 AM PDT
Limited, is recruiting to fill the position of: Lead Enterprise
Developer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates
should possess relevant qualifications, with a minimum of 4 years
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:08 AM PDT
Place, is recruiting to fill the position of: IT Support Officer. The
position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess
B.Sc in Computer Science/Engineering, Electrical/Electronic Engineering
or related field, with a minimum of 2 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 09:07 AM PDT
Beyond Borders - Our client, the Aniwura Int`l Projects Limited, is
recruiting to fill the position of: Community Operator. The position is
located in Delta State. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc/ HND/
OND - Smart GCSE/WAEC/ NECO, with a minimum of 1 year work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 08:47 AM PDT
Insurance Plc, is recruiting to fill the position of: Risk Advisor. The
position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should
possess minimum of OND/HND/B.Sc qualification.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 08:41 AM PDT
Document Solutions company in Nigeria, is recruiting to fill the
position of: Experienced Business Unit Finance Manager. The position is
located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess HND/B.Sc in
Accountancy, with a minimum of 5 years experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 08:39 AM PDT
Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH), is recruiting to
fill the position of: System Support Accountant. The position is
located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a Degree in
Accounting, finance or other relevant field, with at least 5 years work
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 07:22 AM PDT
reputable Oil & Gas company, is recruiting to fill the position of:
Facility/Manpower Sales/BD Executive. The position is located in Rivers
State. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc or HND in Business
Studies, or its equivalent, with at least 2 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 06:52 AM PDT
Automobile and Steel Manufacturing Plant, is recruiting to fill the
position of: Business Development Officer. The position is located in
Ogun State and Abuja Interested candidates should possess First
degree/HND in Accounting, Business Administration or any Social Science
related field, with at least 4 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 06:37 AM PDT
Automobile and Steel Manufacturing Plant, is recruiting to fill the
position of: Facilities Officer. The position is located in Ogun State.
Interested candidates should possess First degree/HND in Estate
Management or Engineering, with at least 4 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 06:34 AM PDT
Consulting - Our client, a vibrant and burgeoning indigenous onshore
and offshore Oil & Gas Engineering Servicing Company, is recruiting
to fill the position of: HR & Admin Manager. The position is located
in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a good Bachelors
Degree in Business Admin, Social Science or any other related
discipline, with at least 7 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 06:33 AM PDT
Automobile and Steel Manufacturing Plant, is recruiting to fill the
position of: Chief Electrical Engineer. The position is located in Ogun
State. Interested candidates should possess B.Eng or HND in Electrical
Electronic Engineering with (Power Option), with at least 10 years work
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 06:16 AM PDT
leading and reputable Organization in the Technology and Information
industry, is recruiting to fill the position of: Business Analyst.
Interested candidates should possess B.Sc/HND in Business, Finance,
Computer Science or Engineering, with at least 4 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 06:03 AM PDT
leading and reputable Organization in the Technology and Information
industry, is recruiting to fill the position of: Business Manager /
Product Manager. Interested candidates should possess Bachelor`s degree
in Business/ Sciences or Engineering with MBA, with at least 10 years
work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:58 AM PDT
leading and reputable Organization in the Technology and Information
industry, is recruiting to fill the position of: Project Manager.
Interested candidates should possess B.Sc in Social Science/ Science/
Engineering, with at least 8 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:54 AM PDT
reputable Company into healthcare solutions, bakeries and Retail
Supermarket stores, is recruiting to fill the position of: Pharmacist.
The position is located in Enugu, Benin, Rivers, Abuja, Kano and Kaduna
States. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelors Degree in
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:54 AM PDT
leading and reputable Organization in the Technology and Information
industry, is recruiting to fill the position of: Management Accountant.
Interested candidates should possess B.Sc in Accounting or Economics,
with at least 10 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:49 AM PDT
leading and reputable Organization in the Technology and Information
industry, is recruiting to fill the position of: Software Developer.
Interested candidates should possess B.Sc Computer Science or related
field, with at least 5 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:45 AM PDT
reputable Company into healthcare solutions, bakeries and Retail
Supermarket stores, is recruiting to fill the position of: Medical
Representative. The position is located in Kogi, Niger, Plateau,
Katsina, Delta, Adamawa, Kano, F.C.T, Gombe, Ondo, Edo, Rivers, Anambra
& Benue States. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelors
Degree in Bio-chemistry, Microbiology, Chemistry or any other Science
related fields.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:34 AM PDT
top travel and tourism company located in Lagos State, is recruiting to
fill the position of: Sales Representative and Telemarketer. Interested
candidates should possess relevant qualifications, with a minimum of 5
years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:34 AM PDT
is recruiting to fill the position of: Business Development Officer.
The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should
possess B.Eng in Electrical/Electronics Engineering or equivalent from a
recognized University, with a minimum of 7 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:28 AM PDT
Professional Training (ZPT) - Our client, an integrated Farm located in
Lagos State, is recruiting to fill the position of: Feedmill Operator.
Interested candidates should possess OND in any relevant discipline or
be Graduates of relevant Artisan Training Schemes.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:27 AM PDT
is recruiting to fill the position of: General Manager. The position is
located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess B.Eng in
Electrical/Electronics, with at least 10 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:25 AM PDT
Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) invite applications from
suitably qualified candidates for admission into Nigeria Tertiary
Institutions through the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination
(UTME) for the 2017/2018 academic session.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:22 AM PDT
Professional Training (ZPT) - Our client, a reputable Farm located in
Lagos State, is recruiting to fill the position of: Feedmill Production
Supervisor. Interested candidates should possess OND/NND/B.Sc in any
relevant discipline, with at least 3 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:09 AM PDT
Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) - Following the announcement
of its plans to begin sale of forms for the 2017 Unified Tertiary
Matriculation Examination, UTME, The Joint Admission and Matriculation
Board (JAMB) has announced that there will be a mock examination before
the conduct of the 2017 UTME.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:09 AM PDT
Banner Limited - Our client, a firm of Chartered Accountants, is
recruiting to fill the position of: Chartered Accountant. Interested
candidates should possess relevant qualifications, with a minimum of 5
years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:06 AM PDT
Banner Limited - Our client, a firm of Chartered Accountants, is
recruiting to fill the position of: Audit Senior. Interested candidates
should possess relevant qualifications, with a minimum of 2 years work
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:04 AM PDT
Banner Limited - Our client, a firm of Chartered Accountants, is
recruiting to fill the position of: Audit Trainee. Interested candidates
should possess relevant qualifications.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 05:03 AM PDT
an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, is recruiting to fill the
position of: Program Assistant. The position is located in Ebonyi State.
Interested candidates should possess Bachelors Degree in International
Public Health, Business Administration or related field, with at least 2
years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 04:57 AM PDT
an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, is recruiting to fill the
position of: Finance Officer. The position is located in Abuja.
Interested candidates should possess first degree in Finance,
Accounting, Commerce, with at least 5 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 04:53 AM PDT
an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, is recruiting to fill the
position of: Project Officer. The position is located in Ebonyi State.
Interested candidates should possess an Advanced degree in Public
Health, Health Administration International Health or a related field,
with at least 5 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 04:47 AM PDT
an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, is recruiting to fill the
position of: Data Analyst. The position is located in Ebonyi State.
Interested candidates should possess Bachelor`s degree in International
Public Health, Demography, Statistics, Social Sciences or related field,
with at least 5 years work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 04:44 AM PDT
and Logistics Nigeria - Our client, in the automotive industry, is
recruiting to fill the position of: Front Desk / Admin Officer. The
position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess OND
in Business Administration or any related fields, with at least 4 years
of work experience.
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 04:37 AM PDT
an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, is recruiting to fill the
position of: Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist. The position is
located in Ebonyi State. Interested candidates should possess an
Advanced degree in International Public Health, Demography, Statistics,
Social Sciences or related field, with at least 8 years work experience.
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